ThinkUp v1.3.1User GuideData ListingsFoursquare


The dashboard for a Foursquare user contains brief sections of information you can find in more depth in individual data listings.

Foursquare User name

Name, service name (Foursquare), Foursquare avatar, and last updated time.

This Week’s Checkins Map

A Google Map of your last 7 days of checkins.

Checkins Per Hour

A bar chart of checkins per hour of the day in the past 7 days compared to all-time.

This Week’s Places

A pie chart of the types of places you have checked in at in the past 7 days.

All-Time Places

A pie chart of the types of places you have ever checked in at.

Time Machine: On This Day In Years Past

Checkins on this day in past years. For example, your checkins from 1 year ago, 2 years ago, and 3 years ago.