Dashboard ========= The dashboard for a Foursquare user contains brief sections of information you can find in more depth in individual data listings. Foursquare User name -------------------- Name, service name (Foursquare), Foursquare avatar, and last updated time. This Week's Checkins Map ------------------------ A Google Map of your last 7 days of checkins. Checkins Per Hour ----------------- A bar chart of checkins per hour of the day in the past 7 days compared to all-time. This Week's Places ------------------ A pie chart of the types of places you have checked in at in the past 7 days. All-Time Places --------------- A pie chart of the types of places you have ever checked in at. Time Machine: On This Day In Years Past --------------------------------------- Checkins on this day in past years. For example, your checkins from 1 year ago, 2 years ago, and 3 years ago.