ThinkUp v1.3.1User Guide

The ThinkUp API

An Application Programming Interface is a set of rules and specifications which let software programs communicate with each other. ThinkUp’s API exposes the data stored by a given ThinkUp installation in a machine-readable format, JSON, via simple REST calls for use by other applications or mashups.

Example API Request

For example, to make a Post API request from your ThinkUp installations to see posts by “samwhoo”, the URL would look like this:

To try it yourself, replace with your domain name and your_thinkup_install with your installation’s path.

Private Data and Authentication

ThinkUp’s API currently does not support authentication. Therefore, you cannot retrieve private information using the API. The API will only return posts that are public on Twitter or published on a Facebook Page.

API Reference

Currently ThinkUp offers a Post API, which provides methods to retrieve information about posts, such as replies, retweets, user mentions, and hashtags.