ThinkUp v1.3.1TroubleshootApplication Messages

ThinkUp is currently in the process of upgrading

When you visit a ThinkUp installation and you see the message, “ThinkUp is currently in the process of upgrading. Please try back again in a little while.” that means that ThinkUp administrators need to complete the upgrade process.

If you are that installation’s administrator: check your email.

A message with a link to complete the upgrade process should be in your inbox.

If your ThinkUp server’s email function doesn’t work, do the following:

Open the .htupgrade_token file in ThinkUp’s data directory and copy its contents to your clipboard. By default, the data directory is called data and is located in ThinkUp’s root folder; if not it is specified in ThinkUp’s file as the value of $THINKUP_CFG[‘datadir_path’].

Then, enter the upgrade token into ThinkUp’s form and click on the “Submit Token” button to continue the upgrade process.