ThinkUp v1.3.1ContributeDeveloperDeveloper How-To Guides

How to Show User Messages on Application Pages

ThinkUp’s application code defines three types of user messages with standard styles throughout the application: success messages, error messages, and informational messages. A developer can assign either a single page-level message, or multiple field-level messages. Here’s how.

Page-level Messages

To assign a page level message to a ThinkUp view, use the ThinkUpController’s addMessage methods. For example, if you’re working on the LogoutController (a child of ThinkUpController), and you want to add a “You have been logged out” success message to the view, inside LogoutController, call:

$this->addSuccessMessage('You have been logged out');

Then, in the Smarty template file, include the _usermessage.tpl template at the top of your page, like so:

{include file="_usermessage.tpl"}

To display that success message.

A given page can only have a single message of any given type. So if you add a page success message, then add another, only the last one assigned will appear on-page.

Field-level Messages

Sometimes you want to display an error, success, or informational message in a particular area of the page, near a relevant page element. For example, in the RegistrationController, you might want to display a “Password must be at least 5 characters” error message near the password field if the submitted password is only 3 characters. To add a field-level message to a view, in your controller, specify a field name as well as the message, like so:

$this->addErrorMessage('Password must be at least 5 characters', 'password');

To display that error message, near the password field, include the message template and pass it the appropriate field name (in this case, ‘password’), like so:

{include file="_usermessage.tpl" field="password"}

That will make the password-specific error message appear at that place in the page.

You can assign multiple field-level messages of every type; they will only display in the view when you include the message template, passing it the field name as a parameter.