Foursquare ========== ThinkUp's Foursquare plugin captures your Foursquare checkins, photos and comments. Configure the Foursquare Plugin (Admin only) -------------------------------------------- To set up the Foursquare plugin: 1. Go to and click on "Register a New Consumer." 2. Set the application name to anything you like, perhaps "ThinkUp." 3. Set application web site to: the URL of your ThinkUp installation home page. 4. Set the callback URL to the URL displayed on the Foursquare settings page in ThinkUp. 5. Fill in the CAPTCHA. 6. Click on the green "Register Application" button at the bottom of the page. 7. In ThinkUp->Settings->Foursquare, fill in the Foursquare-provided Client ID and Secret. Plugin Settings --------------- **Client ID** (required) is the Client ID provided when you register a new consumer on Foursquare. **Client secret** (required) is the Client secret provided when you register a new consumer on Foursquare. Add a Foursquare User to ThinkUp -------------------------------- Click on the "Add a Foursquare User" button in ThinkUp->Settings->Foursquare to add your Foursquare user account to ThinkUp. This button will only appear if the foursquare plugin is configured.