Exporting posts outputs gibberish ================================== This is a problem with non-Latin characters written to the datastore using a latin1 PDO connection but read using UTF-8. To fix it, make sure 'set_pdo_charset' is set to true in your config file to set the PDO connection to UTF-8. To convert an existing datastore to UTF-8, do the following: (Notes: This won't work on Windows due to UTF-8 incompatibilities.) 1. Back up your DB the normal way just in case you need to revert to this. ``mysqldump --opt thinkupDB > thinkup.sql`` 2. Back up your DB using latin1. This will decode the gibberish into proper "text". ``mysqldump --opt --default-character-set=latin1 thinkupDB > thinkup.latin.sql`` 3. Remove the following line or change latin1 to utf8 in thinkup.latin.sql. Note: This file is huge. Use a text editor which is able to handle huge files. ``/*!40101 SET NAMES latin1 */;`` 4. Restore the decoded SQL data as UTF8. (--default-character-set=utf8 is only necessary if UTF8 is not default) ``mysql --default-character-set=utf8 thinkupDB < thinkup.latin.sql`` 5. Set Thinkup to use UTF8 by adding the following line to config.inc.php. ``$THINKUP_CFG['set_pdo_charset'] = true;`` `Mailing list thread "Gibberish in TU database" `_