Capture the output of ThinkUp's verbose crawler log =================================================== To capture the output of ThinkUp's verbose developer log, in the file, set the ``$THINKUP_CFG['log_location']`` value, like this:: $THINKUP_CFG['log_location'] = $THINKUP_CFG['source_root_path'].'logs/crawler.log'; Then, when the crawlwer runs, the crawler.log file will contain the output. To test, SSH into your web server, run the crawler at the command line and tail -f crawler.log as you go. The output will look something like this (annotated). .. image:: imgs/crawler_log_output.jpg Problem: the crawler log / SQL log are not being created -------------------------------------------------------- At the moment, ThinkUp will not explicitly create the crawler log and SQL log files. They need to be manually created by you. To do this, execute this command: ``$ touch path/to/log/file.log`` You will need to replace the path with the actual path to where you have set your log files to be in your config. If I were in my root ThinkUp directory (the one above webapp/) and I wanted to create the log files in log/crawler.log and log/sql.log, I would execute the following commands from my root ThinkUp directory: ``$ touch log/crawler.log`` ``$ touch log/sql.log``