Upgrade ThinkUp =============== To upgrade ThinkUp to its latest version, there are two steps. First, upgrade your installation's application code. Then, upgrade its database structure. .. Tip:: Before you begin, :doc:`back up your current ThinkUp installation's data ` in case anything goes wrong during the upgrade process. Upgrade ThinkUp's Application Code ---------------------------------- To upgrade your existing installation to the latest version of ThinkUp, simply replace your current ThinkUp folder with the most recent release while preserving your existing configuration file. Web-Based Upgrade (Greater Than Version 1.0.4) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All versions of ThinkUp greater than 1.0.4 come with a web-based application upgrader built in. When there's a new version of ThinkUp available to install, in ThinkUp's status bar, click on the "Upgrade ThinkUp" button. **Prerequisites:** In order for the web-based upgrade to complete successfully: * All ThinkUp's application files and directories must be writable by the web server user. Find out more about :doc:`the web-based upgrader's required folder permissions `. * Your server must have at least 100 megabytes of free disk space available. If your installation is able to upgrade itself and there's a new version available, click on the "Upgrade ThinkUp" button to replace your installation's application files with the latest version. **To recover from catastrophic failure**: Before it replaces your application files, ThinkUp's web-based upgrader makes a backup copy of the original installation files in your data directory in two parts: a zip file with all the application files except your config file, and the config file. To recover from a catastrophic failure during the upgrade, manually replace your installation files with the backup copy located in your data directory. Manual Upgrade ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you're unable to run the web-based upgrader, upgrade ThinkUp manually. First, `download ThinkUp's latest release `_ and extract the zip archive on your computer. Then, log into your ThinkUp installation as an administrator. Using your favorite FTP program, connect to your web hosting provider, and rename your existing ThinkUp folder to something like ``thinkup.old``. Then, upload the new ThinkUp folder you just extracted from your computer to your web server. Finally, copy your existing configuration file--i.e., ``thinkup.old/config.inc.php``--into the new ThinkUp folder. Reload ThinkUp in your web browser. Follow the on-screen instructions on how to set :doc:`ThinkUp's minimum required folder permissions ` in your updated installation. Upgrade ThinkUp's Database Structure ------------------------------------ Now that your installation has the most up-to-date code, that code may have to upgrade your database structure to match it. Relaod ThinkUp in your web browser. When you see the message "ThinkUp's database needs an update" click on the "Capture Data" link. If the message reads "ThinkUp is currently in the process of upgrading. Please try back again in a little while", here's :doc:`how to continue the upgrade process `. Web-Based Upgrade (Small Databases) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Upgrade page will let you know how many database migrations have to run to get up-to-date. If your ThinkUp installation only has 1 or 2 moderately active social media accounts set up in it, and none of your database tables have more than half a million rows, then you should use the easy web-based upgrader. ThinkUp will let you know if any of your tables are this large when you begin the upgrade process. Click on the "Upgrade Database" button to update ThinkUp's database structure. Command Line Upgrade (Large Databases) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If your ThinkUp installation has more than 2 very active social media accounts set up, chances are your database tables are large. (We consider a ThinkUp database with any table over half a million rows large.) Depending on your server speed and utilization, it can take a very long time for database structure updates to complete on very large installations; so the web-based upgrader can time out. To be on the safe side, large installation administrators should use the command line upgrader to avoid potential time-outs.. To use the CLI upgrader, SSH into your web server and ``cd`` into the ``thinkup/install/cli/`` folder. Then, run: ``$ php upgrade.php`` This command will upgrade your database structure (and give you the option to back it up first as well). Your ThinkUp application code and database is now up-to-date. Great! Running Beta Versions or Code from GitHub ------------------------------------------ If you're a developer :doc:`running nightly code from ThinkUp's git repository ` or a beta tester, after you upgrade ThinkUp's application code, you'll need to catch up on any necessary database migrations. As of beta 16 (v0.16), developers can use the CLI upgrade tool to run any new database migrations using the argument "--with-new-sql": ``$ cd install/cli/; php upgrade.php --with-new-sql`` The CLI tool will keep track of any migrations that have been applied and only run new migrations. Developers can just run the tool with the "--with-new-sql" option to get their install up to date. This also applies to migration files rolled into the release builds.