How to Clean External Data Before Displaying It in Your View ============================================================ Any time you display data in ThinkUp which came from an outside source--whether that's or user input on the registration form--you must remove any HTML or JavaScript from that content. If you don't, you make ThinkUp vulnerable to `Cross-site scripting attacks `_ (or XSS for short). ThinkUp's application code includes a filter for cleaning data displayed in its views. To use it, pipe your view data through a Smarty filter called ``filter_xss``. What Not To Do -------------- For example, to display the text of a post inside paragraph tags, this Smarty template markup: ``


`` Will include any JavaScript or HTML markup contained in that post text. **DO NOT DO THIS.** What To Do ---------- Instead, clean that post text and display it inside paragraph tags by using: ``


`` In your Smarty template file.