1.1 - 10 Sept 2012 ================== * New feature! The Foursquare plugin captures checkins, photos, and comments. The dashboard includes a map of last week's checkins, the rate of checkins by hour over the last week compared to all time, pie charts of the types of places you check into, and a list of checkins on this day in years past. You can also export your checkins to a CSV file. * New Twitter, Facebook, Google+ "Time Machine" dashboard module: Posts published on this day in years past. * Bugfix: Fixed installation URL in Facebook reauthorization email notification text. * Bugfix: Check if service user is marked as public in ThinkUp before displaying individual post page data. * Bugfix: Improved error message when Twitter API endpoint is unreachable. * Bugfix: All DAO queries function when MySQL strict mode is enabled (no more "General error: 1364 Field 'x' doesn't have a default value" message). * Bugfix: Fixed several bugs which resulted in PHP notices and errors. Developers: * All MySQL tables are now fully commented. * Moved DAO files into dedicated folder. * Added Polygon and Point support to FixtureBuilder library. * Added Travis PHP 5.4 testing in addition to PHP 5.2 and 5.3. * Fixed bug in the Plugin Maker which called deprecated code. * Several code style fixes; added missing DAO profiler calls.