Beta 0.15 - 30 Aug 2011 ======================= **New features:** * Capture Facebook media: Store and display Facebook post links titles, images, descriptions, and captions * Capture Facebook "likes": Store and display Facebook post "likes" and sort posts by most-liked, this week and all time * Capture Facebook friends' location (when permitted) so that the Geoencoder plugin can plot Facebook replies on a Google Map * Add "Recent Activity" dashboard chart: A post-by-post bar chart of replies and likes/retweets **Improvements:** * Upgrade Facebook plugin to OAuth 2.0 for more secure authorization flow * Improve login security: Enable database-stored per-user password salt (instead of hard-coded single salt) * Improve support: The ExpandURLs plugin gracefully handles multiple-shortened URLs, like a link which shortens a or link * On a fresh installation, enable the Twitter, Facebook, and Expand URLs plugins by default * Add configurable "cache_lifetime" value to the file to reduce database load on busy installations * Sped up dashboard render time by aggressively caching query output to file **Fixes:** * Smartly remove deleted tweets from ThinkUp's datastore * Reduce failures during database upgrade process * Fix broken links to service user pages & restored post listings there * Fix missing image thumbnails for image links * Fix RSS feed link for email addresses with a + sign in them * Fix broken Facebook post export * Simplified and consolidated Twitter dashboard menu * Fixed bug where locked user account didn't get unlocked on password reset * Fix in-post HTML entities display bug (in an "I <3 NY" tweet, <3 displays as <3) * Various CSS/page layout fixes