Beta 0.12 - 17 May 2011 ======================= **New:** * User invitation system: If registration is closed to the public, an admin can :doc:`generate a user invitation link good for one user registration ` * When there's a new version of ThinkUp available, a :doc:`notification will appear in the status bar ` for a logged-in admin * Application setting to :doc:`disable JSON API access ` (admins only) * Application setting to :doc:`set default service user to display ` when visiting ThinkUp (admin-only) * Full support for servers running https:// * Improved interface for switching service user, running the crawler, and reorganized the settings tabs to make it easier/clearer what does what * Added links to help documentation throughout the application **Fixed:** * Invalid JSON returned by the Post API * SlickGrid export button no longer opens a new tab * Doesn't show :doc:`follower count history milestones ` unless they're within 10 days, weeks, or months (i.e., no more "You will reach 1,000 followers in 954 weeks") * Deprecated the Embed Thread plugin and made it core functionality, with the option to disable it in :doc:`Settings > Application ` * Multiple embedded ThinkUp threads on a given web page no longer overwrite each other; Added permalinks to embedded threads * Removed Twitter plugin former friends/followers and not mutual data listings (which didn't work anyway) **IMPORTANT BACKWARD-COMPATIBILITY API CHANGE NOTICE** Beta 12 will break any embedded ThinkUp threads from earlier versions. Please update any embed code you've published on the web from earlier versions of ThinkUp.