Beta 0.6 - 13 Dec 2010 ====================== **New:** * Favorite tweets: Thanks to an incredible show of perseverance by Amy who has been shepherding along this branch since April, ThinkUp now captures your favorite tweets (the ones you have starred) and lists them under a new Favorites menu on the main dashboard. If you like to star tweets with links in them for reading later, you can filter your favorites list that way, too. Screenshot: * Design refresh: Anil made a few design improvements in this release which consolidate the header and status bar, make the sidebar menu easier to see and use, remove lots of borders and other clutter, and make the replies and retweets buttons more button-like. See the new design in action: Note: there are rough spots and CSS/markup mistakes here; I modified several of Anil's tweaks so anything that's broken/weird is probably my fault. As always, we'll be polishing as we go. CSS mavens, send me pull requests with fixes, please. (Please.) * Reorganized post page: The post detail page now has a sidebar menu just like the dashboard does, a one-stop shop for everything you can do with a post, like export replies, search and filter replies, list retweets, and see responses on a map. Like the dashboard, plugins generate this menu dynamically, which opens the door to conversation-specific visualizations and reply listings. Now that the stage is set for those kinds of plugins, expect to see more items appear in that menu in future releases. Screenshot: * Expand/collapse advanced plugin options: A ThinkUp plugin can potentially have several settings, and many of them could have default values that most users don't need to ever see or change. That's why we've set up the ability to hide "advanced" plugin options to simplify setup. For example, the only options an admin sees by default for the Twitter plugin are the two required values, the rest are nestled away comfortably in a hidden div. Just click "Show Advanced Options" to reveal them. Screenshot: **Fixed:** * Twitter inquiries: Thanks to Andy, tweets which contain URLs that have question marks in them no longer show up in the Inquires list, because they're not questions. * New developers tools! Developers can now output custom debugging lines while running tests, run an individual test in a given TestCase, and see details of a database access error when they set debug = true in the file. * More little things: Fixed a bug where under certain conditions, a user may not get saved to the database correctly. Fixed a bug where the web-based crawler page's content-type was not set correctly. Fixed a bug where an instance may not get updated correctly after a crawl completes. Added a link to the IRC channel to the application footer.