User Replies in Range

Gets the replies to a specific user in a given time frame.

API call type slug: user_replies_in_range

Example Usage: api/v1/post.php?type=user_replies_in_range&from=29-03-2011&until=04-04-2011&username=samwhoo

Required arguments

  • user_id or username

    Only one of these is required. They are to specify the user to gather posts for in this call.

  • from

    The date/time to start searching from. This can either be a valid date string or a Unix timestamp.

  • until

    The date/time to search until. This can either be a valid date string or a Unix timestamp.

Optional Arguments

  • network

    The network to use in the call. Defaults to ‘twitter’.

  • order_by

    The column to order the results by. Defaults to chronological order (“date”).

  • direction

    The direction to order the results in. Can be either DESC or ASC. Defaults to DESC.

  • include_entities

    Whether or not to include Tweet Entities in the output. Defaults to false. This argument can be set to true by making it equal to either 1, t or true.

  • include_replies

    Whether or not to include replies to this post in the output. This argument is recursive and will retrieve replies to replies also. Defaults to false. This argument can be set to true by making it equal to either 1, t or true.

  • trim_user

    If set to true, this flag strips the user part of the output to just the user’s ID and nothing else. Defaults to false. This argument can be set to true by making it equal to either 1, t or true.


The method ‘user_replies_in_range’, along with user_questions_in_range, post_replies_in_range, user_mentions_in_range and user_posts_in_range are the ThinkUp Post API methods which do not enforce a cap of 200 post results returned per call. As such, when querying time ranges which contain more than 200 posts, keep in mind that processing that amount of data may exceed your server’s memory limits.

Example output



        "text":"@penia19 me too!",
        "created_at":"Mon Sep 03 11:07:32 +0200 2012",
            "description":"Research Project Manager @ TVC - I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. Albert Einstein\n",
            "last_updated":"2012-09-03 13:23:58",
            "name":"Eusebio Carasus\u00e1n",
            "created_at":"Sat May 21 16:40:17 +0200 2011",
                "last_post":"2012-08-23 17:51:19",

                    "name":"Daniel Pe\u00f1a Pizarro",

        "text":"@penia19 he's gonna win a lot of titles with FCB",
        "created_at":"Mon Sep 03 11:07:05 +0200 2012",
            "description":"Research Project Manager @ TVC - I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. Albert Einstein\n",
            "last_updated":"2012-09-03 13:23:58",
            "name":"Eusebio Carasus\u00e1n",
            "created_at":"Sat May 21 16:40:17 +0200 2011",
                "last_post":"2012-08-23 17:51:19",

                    "name":"Daniel Pe\u00f1a Pizarro",

        "text":"@penia19 I don't like Alex Song",
        "created_at":"Mon Sep 03 11:04:55 +0200 2012",
            "description":"Llicenciada en Ci\u00e8ncies Pol\u00edtiques i de l'Administraci\u00f3, a la Universtat Pompeu Fabra. Membre de la JNC, Deba-t i R\u00e0dio Tordera",
            "last_updated":"2012-09-03 13:23:58",
            "created_at":"Wed Feb 23 15:58:39 +0100 2011",
                "last_post":"0000-00-00 00:00:00",

                    "name":"Daniel Pe\u00f1a Pizarro",

        "text":"@penia19 #fcb",
        "created_at":"Mon Sep 03 11:04:14 +0200 2012",
            "description":"Llicenciada en Ci\u00e8ncies Pol\u00edtiques i de l'Administraci\u00f3, a la Universtat Pompeu Fabra. Membre de la JNC, Deba-t i R\u00e0dio Tordera",
            "last_updated":"2012-09-03 13:23:58",
            "created_at":"Wed Feb 23 15:58:39 +0100 2011",
                "last_post":"0000-00-00 00:00:00",
                    "name":"Daniel Pe\u00f1a Pizarro",

        "text":"@penia19 I think he's doing great so far. #Song's contributions to the team have only just started #fcb",
        "created_at":"Mon Sep 03 11:00:42 +0200 2012",
            "description":"Powering the next Renaissance",
            "last_updated":"2012-09-03 13:23:59",
            "name":"Daniel Giribet",
            "created_at":"Sun Jun 07 22:19:14 +0200 2009",
                "last_post":"0000-00-00 00:00:00",
                    "name":"Daniel Pe\u00f1a Pizarro",