2.0-beta.1 - 1 Jan 2013ΒΆ

ThinkUp 2.0 is a major functional and visual overhaul of the version 1.x application. An overview of changes includes:

  • Replaced the dashboard with a reverse chronological stream of insights into the user’s social data. Unlike the dashboard, this stream combines insights from all the service users set up on an installation in one view. Click on an insight’s permalink or the button on the far right to expand it and see more information.
  • Added a new Insights Generator plugin which calculates and inserts these insights on each crawl. View a list of the insights and what they do in Settings > Plugins > Insights Generator. Each insight is a plugin in and of itself. View individual insight plugins in plugins/insightsgenerator/insights/ folder.
  • Completely redesigned the login, registration, update data, and settings areas of the app using the Twitter Bootstrap framework.
  • Removed the ability to deactivate plugins. All plugins are activated by default to simplify the interface.